

Monday, May 7, 2018

Fallacy : False cause and false dilemma.
Explanation : In the commercial, it shows false cause because pigs can't fly, but then the boy invented something so the pigs would fly. It is too stressful for the pigs and they would most likely cause them to die. False cause is present in this commercial because making pigs fly is causing the guy to give him Doritos.

Fallacy : Bandwagon and hasty generalization.
Explanation : Bandwagon is trying to make you believe that an old lady eats snickers when she possibly doesn't, but since she does then you should eat them as well. Hasty generalization is shown in this commercial because a bar of snickers won't cure your hunger.

Fallacy : Ad Baculum
Explanation: This commercial appeals to ad baculum because the panda is forcing the worker to accept the product, hence their slogan, “ Never say no to Panda,” because if you say no to Panda, he will end up destroying your things. 

Fallacy : Ad populum
Explanation : This appeals to ad populum because State Farm is demonstrating how they “stick out” from other insurance companies by showing a woman getting a nice purse because of State Farm. They are also implying that other insurance companies are worthless compared to them by showing the other woman struggling to catch a dollar, when in reality that would not be the case. 

Why we should drink mineral water

Monday, May 22, 2017

Why we should drink mineral water

Water have a lot of benefit to our health and our bodies. That’s why we are encouraged to drink eight glasses a day, because the dosage is believed to meet our fluid needs in a day. But, what exactly the benefit of consuming water? As we know, water is a liquid that’s free of calories and sugar. This makes the mineral water is the healthiest among the other option to keep the body hydrated, while overcoming the thirst anytime. In addition, by drinking water, we also get various benefits for the function for the body. First, it may maintain body fluid levels. Second, it can controlling calories and losing weight. Third, it helps energize the muscles and lubricate the joints to keep them supple. Fourth, mineral water helps remove toxins. Fifth, if we drink mineral water at least 8 glasses a day, it keep our skin to be fresh.

Weekly reflection

Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekly reflection

 Hell-o! It’s near the exam’s test already! Time flies so fast, wow. Anyway, this week I think I wrote a lot things about chili. And yes, it’s because I like chili of course. And from this blog, I just know that chili has so many benefits. I didn’t realize it, hahaha. Even though chili has some disadvantages despite of the benefits, it’s okay because I think there’s no something good without the ugly side. What am I trying to say actually? (lol) Okay, I think It’s already too late. I will end it now, good bye! J

Chili for you hair?

Chili for you hair?

Hair is the most precious crown of women. All of women love to take care their hair because some says that you can judge her based on how she treat her hair and body. And it turns out that chili has some good nutrition that’s good for our hair. Despite to the taste that makes us addicted, chili saves some kind of nutritional content. In chili, there are vitamin C which is more than citrus fruit. In addition, cayenne pepper also contains vitamins A, D and phosphorus. Some of these nutrients are believed to stimulate hair growth. Then, can also accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. As a result, the hair becomes stronger and luminous.

The benefits of consuming chili

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The benefits of consuming chili

 Often labeled as the cause of abdominal pain, it turns out the chili has many benefits for your body, for our health, you know. Here is the first benefit of chili, with chili, we may heal our wounds. It’s because chili contains chemicals, capsaicin, which helps the healing process of wounds. Second, it’s good for treating headaches. Also, it can treat thrush. Chili contains high vitamin C which is can treat the thrush. Moreover, it may lower the high fever and minimizes the risks of heart disease.

Get you happiness just from your sleeping habit

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Get you happiness just from your sleeping habit

  Having enough sleep time is very important for our health. At least we need eight hours of sleep every day to make the body more fit tomorrow. And it turns out that enough sleep can also make us more happy! Why is that, though? So, it turns out that when we don’t have enough sleep, it will make the body weak and tend to not get excited in starting the day. This can cause us to be moody, tired and lazy to move on that day. The less excited, the more mood unhappy. Conversely, if our sleeping needs are fulfilled in the day, our body and mind will be fresher as well, so we are ready and enthusiastic to go through the whole day.

The benefits of warm bath for the body

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The benefits of warm bath for the body

 We often feel fatigue especially after we do some various activity. Usually, we will choose to go to the bed directly after we are feel really tired. But, that’s not the right answer. When we choose to go to the bed directly, it means we didn’t take a bath before we are going to the bed and guess what? The dirt that we got from our daily activities are still clinging to us. In this matter, maybe you should think to take a warm bath. Why? Because first, of course we can clean our body. Besides, we can relax both our body and mind. Second, it smoothen our blood circulation. Moreover, it can prevent us from insomnia. Third, it may eliminate the toxins from the body.