
Spaghetti donut, a new innovation of pasta in a ring form

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spaghetti donut, a new innovation of pasta in a ring form

  After burito burger and croissant donuts, culinary world didn’t seems to run out of ideas for the other innovation. It was proved by a store in Brooklyn that make a donut from a spaghetti. Reported by Daily Meal, spaghetti donut was launched for the first time on weekends at the famous food market in Brooklyn, Smorgasburg. Pop pasta make spaghetti donut with a combination of spaghetti and sauce and then baked in a ring shaped mold until cooked and crispy. Today said that it was actually a spaghetti pie but in a ring form, so this food being known as spaghetti donut. There’s no sweet flavour in this donut like the other donuts. However, spaghetti donut makes our lunch more practical because it’s easy to carry. Moreover, we still can enjoy it whether it’s hot, cold even in room temperature. 

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