
Weekly Reflection

Friday, April 28, 2017

 Hello! So, this week I start to write a weekly reflection again. Last week, I didn't write anything for the 5th day of the week, Friday. I had a campus event(is it a campus event? Idk) called Training Kader and it was 3 days and 2 night. It was really tiring. It's like that I went to military academy (lol) but it's not bad. I love the last day. Because I can go home, yay! Eventhough I arrived at night, but it's still the happiest moment for the last 3 days. By the way, this week from wednesday until this day, I wrote something related with blood. I found that this topic is interesting. So I read and made the posts based on what I read. Okay, I think it's already long enough to end it. Good bye! See you next week! :)

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