
Why we should drink mineral water

Monday, May 22, 2017

Why we should drink mineral water

Water have a lot of benefit to our health and our bodies. That’s why we are encouraged to drink eight glasses a day, because the dosage is believed to meet our fluid needs in a day. But, what exactly the benefit of consuming water? As we know, water is a liquid that’s free of calories and sugar. This makes the mineral water is the healthiest among the other option to keep the body hydrated, while overcoming the thirst anytime. In addition, by drinking water, we also get various benefits for the function for the body. First, it may maintain body fluid levels. Second, it can controlling calories and losing weight. Third, it helps energize the muscles and lubricate the joints to keep them supple. Fourth, mineral water helps remove toxins. Fifth, if we drink mineral water at least 8 glasses a day, it keep our skin to be fresh.

Weekly reflection

Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekly reflection

 Hell-o! It’s near the exam’s test already! Time flies so fast, wow. Anyway, this week I think I wrote a lot things about chili. And yes, it’s because I like chili of course. And from this blog, I just know that chili has so many benefits. I didn’t realize it, hahaha. Even though chili has some disadvantages despite of the benefits, it’s okay because I think there’s no something good without the ugly side. What am I trying to say actually? (lol) Okay, I think It’s already too late. I will end it now, good bye! J

Chili for you hair?

Chili for you hair?

Hair is the most precious crown of women. All of women love to take care their hair because some says that you can judge her based on how she treat her hair and body. And it turns out that chili has some good nutrition that’s good for our hair. Despite to the taste that makes us addicted, chili saves some kind of nutritional content. In chili, there are vitamin C which is more than citrus fruit. In addition, cayenne pepper also contains vitamins A, D and phosphorus. Some of these nutrients are believed to stimulate hair growth. Then, can also accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. As a result, the hair becomes stronger and luminous.

The benefits of consuming chili

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The benefits of consuming chili

 Often labeled as the cause of abdominal pain, it turns out the chili has many benefits for your body, for our health, you know. Here is the first benefit of chili, with chili, we may heal our wounds. It’s because chili contains chemicals, capsaicin, which helps the healing process of wounds. Second, it’s good for treating headaches. Also, it can treat thrush. Chili contains high vitamin C which is can treat the thrush. Moreover, it may lower the high fever and minimizes the risks of heart disease.

Get you happiness just from your sleeping habit

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Get you happiness just from your sleeping habit

  Having enough sleep time is very important for our health. At least we need eight hours of sleep every day to make the body more fit tomorrow. And it turns out that enough sleep can also make us more happy! Why is that, though? So, it turns out that when we don’t have enough sleep, it will make the body weak and tend to not get excited in starting the day. This can cause us to be moody, tired and lazy to move on that day. The less excited, the more mood unhappy. Conversely, if our sleeping needs are fulfilled in the day, our body and mind will be fresher as well, so we are ready and enthusiastic to go through the whole day.

The benefits of warm bath for the body

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The benefits of warm bath for the body

 We often feel fatigue especially after we do some various activity. Usually, we will choose to go to the bed directly after we are feel really tired. But, that’s not the right answer. When we choose to go to the bed directly, it means we didn’t take a bath before we are going to the bed and guess what? The dirt that we got from our daily activities are still clinging to us. In this matter, maybe you should think to take a warm bath. Why? Because first, of course we can clean our body. Besides, we can relax both our body and mind. Second, it smoothen our blood circulation. Moreover, it can prevent us from insomnia. Third, it may eliminate the toxins from the body. 

For those who love spicy food

Monday, May 15, 2017

For those who love spicy food

 Spicy food indeed so delicious. The sensation when your tongue burn because of the taste of the chili and make you sweat a lot because of the spicyness is addicted. Also, with spicy food, when we caught a cold, it can make our nose feel so runny and the next thing that we know is, voila! We are already recovered from the cold. But, despite of that good point about spicy food, there’s some disadvantages coming from spicy food also. As we already know, spicy food can damage the wall of our stomach. If this happened, we can suffer from appendicitis. If we eat spicy food, we will suffer from insomnia too. Moreover, it may cause headache.


Friday, May 12, 2017


 Hellooo!!! Yeah, as you can see actually I’m a little bit depressed now because I couldn’t find any topics for my blog! It’s actually super hard if you must write a post once a day. I can’t get the same topics for the whole week. Anyway, I think next week is the last week to write some posts in this blog. Hope I can finish it! J But, before that I think I rarely use some new words that I got from mu class such as therefore, moreover, and the rest of them. I actually used it in my posts but sometimes I just not use it. I must use some words in my next posts. Okay, see you next week!

4 Ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol

4 Ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol

 Cholesterol is a common disease in the world. Everybody can stricken with this disease if they are not careful with the food that they eat. But ,actually do you know that you can just simply change your menu to lower you cholesterol? It’s like, if you are a big fan of meat, just eat it less than the usual and eat more vegetables, fruits, or whole grains. It can reduce your cholesterol by 25% or more. Here are 4 steps for using your diet to lower your cholesterol. First, stick with unsaturated fats and avoid saturated and trans fat. Second, get more soluble fiber. Third, include plant sterols and stanols in your diet. And the last but not least, find a diet that works on you. :) 

The easiest way to lower your high cholesterol

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The easiest way to lower your high cholesterol

 More than 100 million people in America suffer from a high cholesterol. The causes are clear. It’s because of their habit, they love to eat a fast food which is high in cholesterol. Their unhealthy dietary habit plus irregular can make their lipid substances increased any time. And the bad news is that people with high cholesterol is very susceptible to other diseases such as heart disease and or stroke. So, this is some tips that you can do in easiest way. First, eat some foods that rich in vitamin B3 and consume a food which rich in fiber. Second, exercise. There’s no doubt that exercise doesn’t have any advantages. Third, consume a fish-oil. 

The healthiest bread

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The healthiest bread

We need to eat our breakfast everyday before we start our day. Otherwise, we won’t have much energy left for the whole day. As an Indonesian people, we usually eat rice whenever we have our meal. But actually, we can have the others like a cereal, bread, oatmeal or even some fruits as our breakfast. However, most people will choose bread as the second choice if the rice aren’t cooked yet or they are in hurry. But, do you know that among the types of bread, there’s the healthiest than the rest? According to Steven Gundry, a cardiologist, the most helathy bread is the one that’s lectin free. He said that lectin is a poison for our body. Also, he said that we should see the content of the bread. And the bread that’s lectin-free is a bread that doesn’t contain wheat at all. A bread which contains almonds, seeds, and flowers of the coconut are recommended for those who search for a healthiest bread.

How to reduce food waste

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to reduce food waste

Food is what we need to keep our tummy from the hunger. Indeed, when we are hungry, we will take as much food as we want and we will eat it until we are satisfied. But, sometimes this condition makes the food that we already took become wasted. And so, today I will give the tips how to reduce food waste. First, plan ahead. Yes, you need to plan it all. So, your food won’t become waste. Second, buy what you need. Third, cook the right amount. So, you won’t throw anything. Fourth, eat it all or store the leftovers for later. And the last but not least, recycle what you can’t eat! J

Is steamed-egg better than boiled-egg?

Monday, May 8, 2017

Is steamed-egg better than boiled-egg?

 Egg. This white-round-fluffy food is like a friend for our rice. Even if we just fried the egg or just boiled it, it still goes well with the rice. But, do you know if we need some skills to make our boiled-egg look perfect? If we boiled it too long, the egg will produce a greenish color near the yolk. And it can reduce the aesthetic of its egg. In the other hand, if we boiled it too fast, the skin of the egg will become hard to peel. That consideration is one of the reasons why you shouldn’t boil an egg. You can get the same taste by steam it. Moreover, it’s mentioned that steaming is better than boiling. The steaming process turns eggs with a softer texture. In addition, you do not have to bother setting the hot temperature in the pan and the length of time steaming.

Weekly Reflection

Friday, May 5, 2017

Weekly Reflection

 Hello guys! We meet again in this weekly reflection! J So, I think I don’t have much topics for this week posts. It’s truly hard to find a topic these days. And I was stayed late at campus these days. On Monday and Tuesday, I wrote something related with hair. And it’s about hair loss. Because indeed, for women hair is our crown. So, hair loss is actually a big no for us. And because of that, I need to wrote it for the girls who need this information (is it useful? //cries//) and for me too, ehehehe. For the day after tommorow and the rest, I really made some post randomness. (lol) And, see you next week!

The World wastes millions of tons of food

The World wastes millions of tons of food

 Much of the food that goes to waste around the world is discarded based on aesthetics, or othe factors that don’t relate to the food’s taste or quality. According to the food and agriculture organization of the U.S, if we managed to save just one-fourth of the food that typically goes to waste, it could feed 870 million hungry people. Some business have also taken it upon themselves to purchase and sell the foods that farmers and other business don’t want, but they constantly find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of the “reject” food.

Why you always get sprayed when you try to peel citrus?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Why you always get sprayed when you try to peel citrus?

 Have you ever noticed  that everytime you peel your citrus, you’ve got a spritz of acid in your eye? It’s hurt so much, right? And today, I will tell you why the spritz of citrus makes your eye hurt so much. So, every orange is pocked with oil-filled glands that explosively rupture when the peel is broken and the experimenters used engineering tools to measure exactly what the pressure states caused those glands to shoot their substance in a high-speed jet. Their findings, which were presented at the annual meeting of the society for integrative and comparative biology could inspire a new type of one-use asthma inhaler.

What is the best time to study?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What is the best time to study?

  One of the attempts to get a good score during a test is with study hard. But, sometimes eventhough we want to study as hard as possible, the timing is just wrong. Like when we go home directly after the class, we want to do our homework. And when we open the book, suddenly we are yawning and then we just sleep and we already forgot about our homework. So, have you ever wodered what is the best time for us to study? Actually, the best time is at 02.00-04.00 am. Because at this time, the absorption of learning materials can reach 90%-100%. The second is at the afternoon. It’s not an ideal time but it can be tolerable. The possibility of absorption of the subject matter is about 60%-70%. And the last is at 20.00-22.00 pm. Maybe it’s the least ideal hour. With the possibility of the absorption of the subject matter is just about 20%-30%, we will use the last energy that left behind from our body. 

Hair loss and what to do

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hair loss and what to do

You just wash your hair and when you see the floor, Oh My God! There’s a lot of hair on the floor! Indeed, hair loss makes you not confident. So, what should we do if our hair become thinner day by day? Today, I would like to give some tips for you to prevent hair loss! First, avoiding damaging your hair. It includes bleaching, either hair straightening or hair curling, and the others. Second, caring actively for your hair. It means, you can wash your hair with a suitable shampoo for your hair. Third, eating right for healthy hair. Consume plenty of iron like red meat, chicken or fish. Eat enough protein by eating seafood, poultry, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, beans, pork tenderloin, soy, lean beef and protein bars. And the last, consume vitamin C. Food with a lot of vitamin C indeed can help in the good absorption of iron. Good sources of vitamin C are Citrus fruit, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, baked potatoes and tomatoes.

Hair loss and what causes it

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hair loss and what causes it

 Most women believe that hair is the most beautiful crown. Your hair condition describe how you keep your hair. If your hair are healthy, shiny, smooth and so on, it will make you more confident as well. Unfortunately, not all people have a healthy and shiny hair. Some of them have a frizzy typed hair, curly hair, and the others. The most problem of our hair is hair loss. The American Academy of Dermatology noted that 80 million of men and women in America have hereditary hair loss. It can affect just the hair on your scalp or your entire body. Although it’s more prevalent in older adults, it’s possible in children as well. According to kids health, it’s normal to lose 50 and 100 hair a day. Because normally the new hair will replace it. But, this doesn’t always happen. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary. So, what causes it? The most common cause of hair loss is heredity. In some cases, hair loss can caused by stress, hormonal changes, effects of certain hairstyles, major illness, surgeries or even traumatic event. A diet lacking in protein, iron and other nutrients can lead to thinning hair too.