We need
to eat our breakfast everyday before we start our day. Otherwise, we won’t have
much energy left for the whole day. As an Indonesian people, we usually eat rice whenever
we have our meal. But actually, we can have the others like a cereal, bread, oatmeal
or even some fruits as our breakfast. However, most people will choose bread as the second choice if
the rice aren’t cooked yet or they are in hurry. But, do you know that among the types of bread,
there’s the healthiest than the rest? According to Steven Gundry, a
cardiologist, the most helathy bread is the one that’s lectin free. He said
that lectin is a poison for our body. Also, he said that we should see the
content of the bread. And the bread that’s lectin-free is a bread that doesn’t
contain wheat at all. A bread which contains almonds, seeds, and flowers of the
coconut are recommended for those who search for a healthiest bread.
Hello, my name is Henny. I'm a student in Widya Mandala Catholic University and I majored in English Department. Here I want to share some learning tools that might be useful in your teaching.
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