
The benefits of banana’s skin

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The benefits of banana’s skin

  Banana. Who doesn’t know this tropical fruit? Banana is a fruit from South East Asia, Brazil and India. This tropical fruit is the most consumed than the other fruits. Also, banana is popular because of their benefits. One of them is it can keep your eyes to stay healthy. Second, it can help your digestion, and when you are on the treatment of various disease such as anemia, asthma, diabetes, and liver, banana is really functionate. It turns out in addition to the fruit which has a lot of benefits, the skin of banana also has a lot of function. It can be use as anti-mosquito cream, prevent stroke, help the smokers to eliminate the influence of nicotine, control the temperature of your body, and many more. So, how to use it? you can spread the inner-part of the banana’s skin on your face, boil the banana skin to prevent stress, or pound the banana and also the skin and then you can mix it with another fruits to prevent gastric acid or what we called as “maag”.

The danger of eating more sugar for children

Monday, February 27, 2017

The danger of eating more sugar for children

  It’s not a secret that children love to consume food or beverage that contains a lot of sugar. Public Health of England shows that usually a children consume 73,2gr or 18 teaspoon a day. It’s obviously not good for their health because it will increase the risks of disease. The first thing that will happen if the children consume a lot of sugar is “obesity”. The children who suffer from obesity have a higher risk to suffer from diabetes type 2, cancer, heart disease, liver, even the mental health. Because of this facts, some of food companies like  Kelloog, Nestle, Tesco and the others announced that they have reducing the amount of sugar on their products.



  Have you ever watched chibi maruko-chan? Or doraemon? When you watch it, you must have seen the backpack that the characters used. It is the backpack that I will tell you today. The backpack called ”Randoseru”.  “Randoseru” comes from the Dutch words which means “backpack”. The shape of randoseru is firm-sided leather backpack. It’s commonly used in Japan by the elementary school children. Usually from first grade until sixth grade. Traditionally, the girls used the red one and the boys used the black one. But in recent year, however, that’s changed. Nowadays, randoseru has a lot of variation from its color until the mode. The price of randoseru is so expensive. It’s possible though to find it around $80. But, most parents buy are around $300, $800 or even higher than this. Now, not just an elementary schoolers who used this backpack. Sometimes people use this for their style.


Friday, February 24, 2017

  Hello, we meet again! This week, I lack of inspiration so the posts are--- yeah. ;; v ;; So, this week, I really feel so lazy until I don't want to write a post for this blog. But, this is a tasks for the whole semester. And I won't miss a day without a new articles. I hope I can find any interesting articles, so I will be more excited when I write the articles.
  Until now, I don't know if my english is better than before or worst than before (lol). I usually hear a music when I write a blog. Now, I'm playing a music. It's Korean though (lol). I must listening to western songs more but, Korean songs are really 'eye-catchy'. Especially the dance, it's so 'WOW'.
  Today, I have writing class as usual. Maybe because I slept too late yesterday so, I was so sleepy. It even made my head felt dizzy. But when the teacher gave us a task that must be collected at the end of the class, my dizziness was gone. Amazing. After that, I had a tutorial class for structure class. We got an exercise and I got a bad grades. My friends too. Suddenly, I felt that I'm not alone. Wow.
   Lastly, See you next week! <3

“Sky Taxi” in Dubai from July

“Sky Taxi” in Dubai from July

 A drone that can carry people will begin “regular operation” in Dubai from July. The head of the city’s Roads and Transportation Agency has announced it at the World Government Summit. However, this “sky taxi” didn’t have a pilot in the inside. The passenger’s will select the destination through the touch screen inside the drone. The touch screen is the only controls inside the drone. The drone can carry one passenger and the maximum limits up to 110kg.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

The danger of the use of high heels

High heels can boost up our confidence. It makes our legs look longer than what it normally looks. But, do you know that high heels also can be dangerous for your health. The high pressure that comes from the high heels that you use can trigger the cause of metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia is a condition of severe pain or cramps caused by th anterior part of metatarsus. You will experience the pain usually in the heel and ankle. This is some problems that will appear if you often use high heels in your everyday life.
 Your muscular body can shrink
- It can trigger body curved
- Can caused a benign tumor
- Increasing the risks of ankle sprains
- Not good for a pregnant women because it can caused some health problems.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 Usually, when we bored, we will listen to a music. Listen to a music can boost your mood up. There’s no doubt that listening to your favorite music can instantly put you in a good mood. It can make you feel more relax, happier, lower your stress, and even improves your health. Yeah! It can improves your health. Why is that? Listening to music that you enjoy decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which counteracts the effects of chronic stress. This is an important finding since stress causes 60% of all our illness and disease. There’s one study showed that if you actively participated in making music by playing various percussion instruments and singing, their immune system will be boost even more than if they passively listened. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to boost your mood up

  It’s not easy to keep smile everytime. Actually, it's kinda hard to keep our good mood wherever and whenever we are. Sometimes we lose our temper and suddenly, that day will be the worst day ever. Whenever we see something, it might make our mood worsen than before. We mustn’t want that to be happen, right? And if we already in a bad mood, how to boost it up? I will give some tips to boost your mood up.
-         - Listen to upbeat music
-         - Get a good laugh
-         -  Walk around the block
-         -  Declutter
-         -   Give someone a hug
-         - Think about what went well
-         - Allow yourself to vent


Monday, February 20, 2017

                                      WHY JAPANESE SCHOOL SKIRTS ARE SO SHORT

    Most of Japanese school girls have their own “seifuku” (school uniform). They have their own style, and the others. But, the most outstanding from their “seifuku” is the skirt. The length of the skirts are so short. The culture of wearing short skirt began when Gyaru culture was trending in 90’s influenced by the legendary pop star Namie Amuro with her super short skirt, thin eyebrows and bleached hair. And basically, school girls adopted it to their “seifuku”.  It’s so easy to make your skirt length shorter than before. You can cut it, fold it over the waistband or using a “skirt belt”. However, it’s too risky if you cut your skirt because there’s a “skirt length check” at the school and it’s held randomly. If you get caught by the teacher, you can get punished. So, using a “skirt belt” and fold it over the waistband are more common.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Hello, guys. It's already week 3. Wow, so fast. I feel like it just yesterday when I started to write this blog. Time flies so fast, guys. So, about this post, I would like to say sorry if my words are just so-so and the grammar is not 100% correct. By the way, the picture means nothing for this post, okay.
  So, I quite confused when I have to use this grammar, or that grammar, and so on. So, I usually write the draft in Ms.Word and when I already finished it, I will read it to my sister. When I read it, I will find some errors and sometimes my sister is the one who found the errors. She helps me a lot. I want to practice more so she wouldn't have to help me again. I bet it must be boring to check someone's errors.
  This week I think I find something interesting (for me) quite faster. It's not too fast though. Nowadays, I love to watch some k-dramas. I find it quite interesting and because of that I tried to make a post about how Korean drama affected us. It's clearly that we can't live without dramas in our life, I think? ehehe
  Oh, yeah. So, today I think I enjoyed the whole classes that I attended. I had writing class, as usual and yeah, I think this class is fun. The teacher teach us differently (I think). Every teacher who teach our class never played a song before. And he turned on the music when he lectured us. I think it's a classic music.


Tradition in Japan : Kyushoku!

  There’s one system that every school in Japan use for the students. This system was called Kyushoku. Kyushoku means a school lunch. Basically, most of elementary and junior high schools in Japan provide the school lunch for us to eat. They give us a proper meal so we won’t be lack of nutrient and the menu was made by a nutitionist. When it’s lunch hour, some students will take the lunch to their class. And they will be the one who gives the food to their classmates. And after they take their lunches, they will eat while chatting with their friends. 


Thursday, February 16, 2017

The benefits of Walking

  So many workouts, so many excuses but we want to keep healthy. Cramp, bored, headache, and so on. We adore our health but we hate to do exercises. So, what should we do? This kind of exercise will keep our body to stay as healthy as now, even make it better than before. Walk. We do this everyday, everytime, and everywhere. Walk has a lot of benefits and I will tell you the top three. One of them is with walking, we can strengthens our heart. It’s great cardio,lowering the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing the level of HDL (good) cholesterol. Walking prevents Dementia too. Dementia is a brain disease. It causes the thought disorder and sometimes it changes your nature or behavior. And the last but not least, walking makes you happy. Because exercise  can boost your mood up. It releasing feel-good endorphins while reducing stress and anxiety.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

How Korean drama affects us

  We already knew about Korean drama from a long time ago. We probably watch some of Korean dramas but we don’t know that it’s from Korea. Korean dramas have an amazing story and they always feed us with a handsome actor and beautiful actress. In 2008-2009, Boys before flowers got a lot of attention from the whole world. For your information, Boys Before Flowers or we called it BBF was a drama that adapted from a Japanese manga called Hana Yori Dango. Taiwan already adapted this manga into a drama too, before. It was called Meteor Garden and it was like a ‘bomb’ at that time. Anyway, from there Korea become so popular. From our body to our mind, it seems that Korea is the number one. We started to mix our language with Korean language. Like “Omo” which means “Oh my God” or “Aigo” and something else. It’s not a bad thing actually. Because we can learn about another  language, their tone when they speak with someone else, how they treat the others and their culture. Korean food are start to get a lot of attention too. Like kimchi, tteokbokki, instant noodles called samyang (this is the most popular noodles. Everyone make a challenge of this noodles because it's very spicy), and the others. Our sense of fashion are change a bit too because of drama.

source :


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine’s Day in Japan : Why the girls do the giving?

It’s Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Like the previous article, I will talk about Valentine’s Day in Japan again. As we know before, Valentine’s Day in Japan is a bit different from the other country. It’s not because of their culture. It’s not a trends too. They always do the giving on Valentine’s Day like a tradition. This ‘tradition’ became firmly established in the '60s, and by the '70s was a big business. So, why always the girl who give the chocolates? Actually the concept of Valentine’s Day was introduced to Japan by a chocolate company in Kobe. They made an advertisement to urge people to give a chocolate for their loved ones but it wasn’t until 1950. But it seems that they just sold it at Kobe. According to an article in the Yomiuri shimbun newspaper in 1998, the first mentioned about Valentine’s Day was by a chocolate company called Merry Chocolates. At first, they sold it in the department store and give the sign of “Valentine’s Sale”. Although at that time it’s just give a little effects on the first year. On the next year, they made it again but into a heart-shaped chocolate and give the sign “for ladies [to give] to gentleman” and this time is work. J

Source: Source:


Monday, February 13, 2017

Japan and Valentine’s Day

It’s almost Valentine’s day!! As we know, Valentine is always identic with chocolate and flowers, spend our day with our beloved one. Valentine always about a man and a woman. But, how about in Japan? How Japanese people celebrate Valentine’s day? Well, Japan always have something unique and so their Valentine’s. If on Valentine’s Day a man usually gives something to her woman, it’s totally different in Japan. It’s common tradition when the girl gives the chocolate instead of the boy. In Japan, there’s two type of choclate on valentine’s day. The first one is Giri-choco and the second one is Honmei-choco. “Giri” means “obligation”. It usually has no romance involved . On the other hand “Honmei-choco” has romance involved. So, it meant for a boyfriend, lover, or husband. Japanese woman often prepare their “Honmei choco” themself although many of them think to just buy the chocolate at the store. We will clearly see a large display of chocolate in department store and the grocery store from mid-January. And days before Valentine’s day, those stores will full of the variety of chocolates, cooking-stuff, and woman!

Weekly Reflection #2

Friday, February 10, 2017

(For your information, this picture isn't related with this post.)

  This is my second reflection. I don't know why I use this picture. I like polar bear, though ehehehehe. And back to the topic, wow, this week passes so fast! Today I have a writing class. As usual, our teacher want us to write something without stopping. It's kinda hard. But, this time, I enjoys it more than the last time. I think may be it's because of the topics that we had today. Last  time, I didn't understand about the topic. And today, I understood the topic.
  He made us to drew a mind map. The topic was teacher. What kind of teacher that we want. We should wrote 5 ideas about the teacher that we want. And I wrote it. It's something like your ideal teacher, I think? And then, he told us to cross 2 ideas that we don't really want. Because of it, now I have just 3 ideas left. And from that, we should expand it.
  After we expand it, he told us (again) to wrote as fast as we can and without stopping for just a bit. We have the idea, we have something that we want to write and yeah. We just wrote it. And he asked us to not use any kind of eraser, Because he wanted to know what kind of mistakes that we made. It's like a draft. And after we made the 'draft', we checked it again. The spelling,  grammar, or anything else and then after we checked it, we wrote the right one. It's hard but overall, I enjoyed it. :D Thank you for anyone who read it. Please enjoy it //criesinhappiness//

Gelato or Ice cream?


Gelato or ice cream, they look slightly the same, but actually aren’t. The difference between them that we can see through it is the flavour. Gelato usually have a lot of unique flavour. And ice cream has less flavour than gelato. Ice cream (usually) just has an average flavour. But actually, what’s make they different? So, gelato uses whole milk when ice cream uses cream. Ice cream contains more fats. It’s like 10% more while gelato has less fat like 5-8% and it’s from the whole milk that they use. Gelato contains 50% less air than ice cream. Because of this, it has more intense flavour than ice cream. Gelato uses whole milk which is can’t be saved for a long time. We must served it as soon as we make it. Gelato melts fast. Gelato is served at slightly warmer temperature than ice cream so its texture stays silkier and softer. Gelato is pricey (more expensive) than Ice cream. Despite of that, gelato tastes good. It’s so delicious and I think with that ‘pricey’ thing, it’s worth it. J


Thursday, February 9, 2017


We usually eat a breakfast before we start our day. But sometimes, we don’t have enough time to make our breakfast. When we didn’t have enough time, we will start to think what kind of meal that healthy, fast, but will make our hunger go away. And this is the answer. It’s an oatmeal! Oatmeal is made of hulled oat-grains that have either been ground, steel-cut or rolled. Oats may be thick or thin and may be "old-fashioned", "quick" or "instant". But still, it contains a lot of benefits inside and  so easy to make. You can make it just for 5 minutes! Or less, it’s up to you. You can mix it too with honey, milk, granola, berries, banana, chocolates or anything that you want. Every people usually make it into a porridge. For your information, the benefits of an oatmeal is :
- Can control your blood-glucose
- Fitokimia, magnesium and soluble fiber can fight against cancer
- According to researchers, soluble fiber (beta-glucan) and avenanthramides (antioxidants) in oatmeal can reduce the risk of heart disease
- Oatmeal porridge also contains more B vitamins and callories

source :

Chicken or Pizza? New Menu of KFC!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


   KFC presents a new innovation of fried chicken, in a pizza shaped. It’s called chizza, which is a combination of CHIcken and piZZA. Now, KFC chizza’s only available in the Philliphines and India, so far. KFC outlets in Japan also about to experience it too. But the last time I heard it, Thailand already experience this new menu of KFC too (I don't really know it, though). So, what’s KFC Chizza? KFC Chizza is a new way to enjoy your fried chicken. It is a fried chicken as the base + pizza toppings on it. But, how’s the taste? Will it be good? Or the taste are like ‘mmmm okayyy’? Let’s wait for this new menu to come to our country! J

source :


Tuesday, February 7, 2017


A lot of people skip their breakfast time and thinks that breakfast is not important. Instead, they will do something that they think more important than breakfast. Do you like to skip your breakfast? If yes, please stop it. Because you need to re-charge your energy for your body to start your day. We need enough energy for the whole day with eat 3 times/day and It including in the morning too. And with eat properly, we can get a lot of benefits. One of them is, we can control our weight, It can increase our brain performance and our immune system, lower the risks of dangerous disease, make our skin healthier, and make us to have a long live. So, don’t skip your breakfast! J

source :

Why DIY is so popular?

Monday, February 6, 2017


  Do you know what is DIY? DIY or ‘Do It Yourself’ is kind of projects that you did it with your own hands. It’s so popular nowadays and you can make a lot of things that you want. From something that done fast like earring, note book or something that needs more times to make like cabinet, working table, shed or even a house. Wow. You don’t missread it. You can really make your own house. For your information, DIY projects are usually cheaper than the one that you bought at the store. Of course because you just buy the ingredients. You don’t have to pay the services even the tax. And so, why DIY is so popular nowadays? It because now you can find a lot of tutorial that you may try when you have a time. And now the cost are always increased that make someone have to search the substitutes that are priceless but with a good quality. DIY can answer it all. You just have to buy the ingredients and most of them are quite easy to try. But sometimes the ingredients are hard to find. DIY can make someone more creative and it really boost your brain power. If your projects are succedd, you can sell it and you can get a money from that. So, Do you want to try it? ;)

How to be happy

Friday, February 3, 2017

     Weekly Reflection

I really don't know what to write but, this is an assignment(lol). Anyway, actually I don't really like to writing. But at the same time, I don't love it too. It's like love-hate relationship.  So complicated, uh. But, because my teacher asked us to make a blog so we did it. We made it. And I thought it will be hard for me to write one article per day. I must pay attention with my words, grammar, and so on. And guess what? It seems I like to make an entry for this blog. Can I use 'love' to make it sounds more lovable? Hmm. And so, about this topic of how to be happy. Yeah, I think when you do something that you like, It was a happy moment. When you greet someone, it's not just you that be happy. The people that you greet are feel happy too. If you help someone, maybe you didn't feel it. But it should left some happy feeling into you. To be happy is so simple. So be happy!



   Have you ever tried this kind of drink before? Well, if you never try it, you should try it at least once. The texture of smoothie is thick. It’s similar to a milkshake but the ingredients are from the fruit or vegetable. You can also add some honey for the natural sweetener. But you can also add chocolates, nuts, or even cottage cheese if you want. Smoothie is easy to make. Just mix your fruit and vegetable into one and blend it. Don’t forget to add water in it so it will be easy to blend. It’s delicious yet so healthy! However you might not add too much sweet fruit. Because it can lead to too much sugar which is not healthy for our body.

Source :

Green tea and how to make it taste better

Thursday, February 2, 2017


                Some peole doesn’t like the taste of green tea. Usually, it taste just as bitter as your life (lol no, I’m kidding). And most people already know that green tea really good for your body. It makes you healthier, smarter (because green tea can improve your brain function),  good for weight loss, may lower your risk of various types of cancer, and many more. But, eventhough it’s healthy, because of the bitterness, there are some people that still avoid green tea because of that bitterness. And so, how to make it taste better? Here I will tell you how to make green tea taste better. First, when you make green tea, brew it for 3-4 minutes. It can be less than 3 minutes if you think the taste still too strong for you. Second, don’t add sugar into your green tea! Instead, you may add a little of honey for the substitute (honey also good for your health). Third, Add a splash of juice if you want. Good Luck!

Dried Fruit

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dried fruits

                What is dried fruit? Someone said that it’s a healthy snack that we can eat everyday without any worries. But, really? Is a dried fruit as healthy as the fresh fruit? So, Dried fruit is a fruit that hasn’t contain water in it. Usually we know it as dried raisins, plums, and many more. Dried fruit also contains up to 3.5 times the fiber, vitamins and minerals of fresh fruit. However, usually people added sugar to the dried fruit when they dried it so it contains a sugar more than the fresh fruit. And dried fruit also contain sulfur dioxide more than the other food. And it’s not good for our health if we consume it a lot.