

Friday, February 17, 2017

Hello, guys. It's already week 3. Wow, so fast. I feel like it just yesterday when I started to write this blog. Time flies so fast, guys. So, about this post, I would like to say sorry if my words are just so-so and the grammar is not 100% correct. By the way, the picture means nothing for this post, okay.
  So, I quite confused when I have to use this grammar, or that grammar, and so on. So, I usually write the draft in Ms.Word and when I already finished it, I will read it to my sister. When I read it, I will find some errors and sometimes my sister is the one who found the errors. She helps me a lot. I want to practice more so she wouldn't have to help me again. I bet it must be boring to check someone's errors.
  This week I think I find something interesting (for me) quite faster. It's not too fast though. Nowadays, I love to watch some k-dramas. I find it quite interesting and because of that I tried to make a post about how Korean drama affected us. It's clearly that we can't live without dramas in our life, I think? ehehe
  Oh, yeah. So, today I think I enjoyed the whole classes that I attended. I had writing class, as usual and yeah, I think this class is fun. The teacher teach us differently (I think). Every teacher who teach our class never played a song before. And he turned on the music when he lectured us. I think it's a classic music.

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